Washing machines, fridges, computers, plug in power supplies, low energy lighting, dimmer switches, heating pumps, thermostats, solar power installations, the list of culprits directly injecting rubbish into our mains supply is endless. Effectively anything connected to the mains in your house and all of your neighbours houses contributes to the problem. And that is before you consider more distant heavy industrial machinery, and it doesn’t stop there….. In the air there’s mobile phone, radio and TV transmissions, WiFi, Bluetooth, emergency services transmissions (the list is never ending) all totally saturating the atmosphere. Your household wiring and equipment cables acting as antennas, absorb and pile these very significant disturbances on top of the considerable interference already in them. The flood of fizz, hash, spikes, snap crackle and pop delivering itself into your sensitive dacs, preamps, amplifiers and video displays swamp and confuse everything they are trying to do……